Gene Mutation
Posted by bhavin | Posted in DNA , Genes | Posted on 4:50 AM
Any permanent change in the structure of DNA sequence which makes up a gene is called as gene mutation. The size of the mutation varies, it may either as small as a DNA or even large as a segment of the chromosome.
The mutation of the Gene occurs in two ways: 1. from a parent 2. acquired during the person’s lifetime. Hereditary mutations or the germ line mutations are those which occur from the parents to the children. The mutation of this sort can be seen in the persons entire like in every cell in his/ her body.
The other are the new mutations which are occurred in the egg or the sperm cell or the mutation which occurs just after the fertilization process is complete. The genetic disorders can be best explained by the De novo mutations, however in this type of disorder there is no family history for this disorder involved.
The somatic (also known as acquired) mutations are the one which occur directly into the DNA of the individual cell. There is a possibility of DNA making copies of itself during cell division due to immense expose to the ultra violet radiations from the sun which results in number of changes in the individual’s life. The acquired mutations in the somatic cannot be passed to the next generations.
Mutations can also occur in the single cell in the early period of embryo. During the division of the cells the individual has some cells with the mutation and some other without any genetic changes. This situation is referred as mosaicism.
Some of the changes in the genetic makeup of the cells are very rare to find, while on the other hand some changes are easily spotted. The Genetic changes which can be found in more than 1% of the population are known as polymorphisms. Polymorphisms are responsible for the differences like the color of the hair, blood type and the color of the eye. Usually, polymorphisms don’t have any negative effect which affects the health of an individual; however they may also cause number of variations which can develop certain disorders in the individual.
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